
Fluorine (F)


Fluorine belongs to a group of elements and it is the most reactive of all elements. It does not occur in nature and it was hard for scientist to discover. Flourine is a pale yellow gas, it is very dangerous. But some of it is not bad, the most common use of it is in toothpaste. It makes the teeth stronger. It also is used to make the nonstick surfaces on frying pans.

Fluorine comes from the Latin and French words for flow.

Most of the Fluorine is in the earth's crust, it is found as crysalline compounds cal minerals. Fluorspar is the most common fluorine-containg mineral. It has been used to refine metals for thousand of years, When flourspar us heated it turns into a molten liquid.

Every Fluorine atom has 9 electrons.

The melting point is 53.53 K
The boiling point is 85.03 K

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