

Physical Properties

Technetium is a solid.

Melting Point: 2157 celsius, 3915 fahrentheit.

Denisty:11 g. cm


Uraium, U

Physical Properties:Is a silver -white metallic chemical element it has 92 protons It can also have about 141 and 146 neutrons, urainum has the highest atomic weight of the naturally occuring elements
Boiling point:4404 K
Melting point:1405.3

Urainumas discover by a German scieties named Martin Klaprothy in 1789. Uranium is the last heaviest of the natural elements.The ownership and sale of uranium are stricty controlled by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It is now found in many menerals, including pitchblende. uranite, "yellow cake", and manazite sands.
Christian m, Domenech





Chlorine is a naturally-occurring chemical element one of the basic building blocks of matter.Chlorine chemistry provides clean drinking water to millions around the globe .Clean drinking water made possible with chlorine desinfectants is a monumental trimuph over the scouges of waterborne disease.chlorine was discovered in 1774 by a swedish karl wilhem scheele.the name of the element,chlorine. chlorine can be found on manny different locations all over the world.chlorine is always found in compounds because it is a very roactive element.

Brenda Ordonez

Iron (Fe)

Iron (Fe)

Physical Properties:


Phase: solid @ room temperture

Melting point: 2,795 degree F., 1,535 degree C., 1,808 K.

Boiling point:4,795degree F. , 1,535 degreeC., 3,023 K.

Density: 7.86 g/cm3 @ 1 atm

Atomic symbol: Fe

Protons: 26



Atomic number: 26

Atomic mass: 55.845

Background : (Who discovered this element? where? when?)

By: Melissa Francois


Atomic Number-7
Atomic Mass-14.00674

Physical Properties
Nitrogen is a gas.
Melting Point-6329
Boiling Point-77.4

Nitrogen is found in the stars and the in the sun. All plants and animals have Nitrogen. Nitrogen is used for explosives they are also used to make fertilizers.

*Elmer Tinoco*



Radium is a silver-white ratioactive metal found naturally in uranium ores.Marie and Pierre curie discovered radium in 1898.

Marjourie Lopez

calcium (ca)

By : Shakur Manning

Physical Properties ;

Melting Point (k): 1112.2

BoilingPoint (k): 1767

Phase : SOILD

Density : 155 g'cm

Electrons - 20

Protons - 20

Neutrons - 20

History : Calcium was discoverd by Sir Humphrey Davy at 1808 in England .

Future : Calcium is an important component of a healthy diet and a mineral necessary for life .



Beryllium is the fourth element on the Periodic Table. This element was discovered by Loius-Nicolas Vauquelin in 1798. Beryllium is a hard tough metal, beryllium are ussed for high speed arcraft,missilies and spacecraft such as space shuttle. Netural Beryllium Crystal are beautiful. They include such familian germs. Its compounds are no extremely polsonus but they are carcoqec as well.

Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin
Tania Hernandez


Carbon was discovered in the second half of the 18th century. A.L Lavoisier discovered it in 1789.


Trenton Keith

Nitrogen (N)
In 1772 Daniel Rutheford discoverd nitrogen . nitrogen came from a latin word nitrum . this propertie is tasteless, colorless, and odorless . The melting point is -210'C and then boiling point is -195.8'C .


Hakeem Legerton


People and animals need oxygen to survive

It is a gas at all normal temperatures and pressures

There is more oxygen on earth than any other element .The nucleus also contains neutrons which have no charge .



  • Lithium was discovered in 1817 by the Swedish chemist Johan August Arfved during a routine chemical investigation of some minerals from a mine Sweden. It was named from the Greek word lithos for stone.Lithium has 3 protons,4 neutrons,an atomic mass of 6.941, and it belong to Group 1 (IA) Alkali metal. Lithium has been used to make lightweight, efficient batteries, and bipolar disorder.

Cristina Hernandez

Antimony (Sb)

Antimony (Sb)

Physical Properties;


Melting Point-630'C (1,170'F)

Boiling Point-1,635'C (2,980)


Fluorine (F)


Fluorine belongs to a group of elements and it is the most reactive of all elements. It does not occur in nature and it was hard for scientist to discover. Flourine is a pale yellow gas, it is very dangerous. But some of it is not bad, the most common use of it is in toothpaste. It makes the teeth stronger. It also is used to make the nonstick surfaces on frying pans.

Fluorine comes from the Latin and French words for flow.

Most of the Fluorine is in the earth's crust, it is found as crysalline compounds cal minerals. Fluorspar is the most common fluorine-containg mineral. It has been used to refine metals for thousand of years, When flourspar us heated it turns into a molten liquid.

Every Fluorine atom has 9 electrons.

The melting point is 53.53 K
The boiling point is 85.03 K


Boron is the chemical element with atomic number 5 and the chemical symbol. Boron is similar to Carbon in its capability to form stable covalently bonded molecular networks. The most important sources of Boron are borax. Borax is used in laundry products and as a water softener in areas where water contains amounts of dissolved minerals. Boron is also used in the manufacture of heat-resistant boorosilicate glass.
Boron does not react with air at room temperature, but a higher temperatures it burns to form Boron Trioxide.

jania I.

Beryllium (be)


Beryllium is the fourth element on the periodic table. The name Beryllium comes from Greek. It was discovered by Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin in 1798.


physical properties

Density: 0.0899'10.3g.cm-3 at 20'c

melting point: -259.2.

Boiling point: -252.8'c

phase:pure hydrogen is a gas under normal conditions


hydrogen is an amazing substance.

Helium HE

Helium HE

Physical Properties

Density: 0.1786g/l

Melting Point: 0.95k

Boiling Point: 4.22k

Phase: Gas


Helium consist of 2 protons, 2 neutrons and 2 electrons. It is the only member in the noble gas family in group 18 that can't be made into a solid by lowering it's temperature, and has the lowest boling point of any element. Pierre Jansen studied light from the sun during a solar eclipse, and he found proof that a new element in the sun exsisted called Helium in 1868.

Uses for Helium

We can use Helium for filling up balloons and blimps. We can also use Helium in lead detection, neon signs and also to protect objest from reacting with oxygen.

Sulfur (s)

Sulfur is a yellow crystallinesolid at ordinary
temperature and pressure. Sulfur is used for medicine and burned it to create
fumes for bleaching cotton cloth. Sulfur is also used to kill
house hold pests. Sulfur was discovered by antoine lavoiser in 1777,
This element is essential for living organisms, perticularly as part of the structure
of certain amino acids and proteins.

Neon NE (10)

Neon , NE
Density; 20.180
Melting Point; -248.59 'C
Boiling Point; -246.08'C
Neon is a Gas .
Neon is a colorless , inert global gas. Neon gives off a reddish orange glow which is what excatly lights up a neon lights. Neon was discovered in 1898 by a british chemist named Sir William Ramsy. In December 1910 , a French Engineer Named Georges Claude , was the first who was able to make a lamp from a electrified tube of neon gas ; on January 19 , 1915 Claude started selling his tubes to U.S companies.
By; Scarlet Isabella Minor

magnesium (Mg)

In physical properties Magnesium in its pure form is a bright-colored metal. It's highly reactive, which means that it readly conbines with other elements to for a large number of compounds . many of wich have comercials and dimestic uses, and also magnesium reacts with cold water too,but the reaction is much slower that it is with steam.
In history magnesium is a silvery white metal valued through out the world because of its weight. of all the metals used to make structual components,magnesium is the lighttest about 66 percent of eight of aluminium and just 25 percaent of steel. magniseum melts ar 1,200 f (651c) when it can be pured into molds to make objects . It turn into a gas at 2,025f (1,107c) wich is improtant in one of its extraction processes. the person who discovered it manesium was the famous chemist sir humphy dave in 1618. Usually magnesium come from the earth. About 2.5 percent of earth is made of magnesium.
Juan A. Ortega

Aluminum (AL)

Physical Properties
Boiling Point- 4,472

Melting Point- 1,200

Density- 2.70g/cm


Early in the 19th century, British chemist Sir. Humphrey Dave who examined an unknown quantity of alumina and he named it Aluminum.

Uses for Aluminum
Aluminum is used for gum wrappers, beverage cans, armor plating (for tanks), and airplane bodies.

researched by : I. Said




Techneticum, Tc

Physical Properties

Melting point: 2200.o C

Boiling point: 4877.0 C

Density @ 293 K: 11.5 g/cm

Atomic mass: 98.0 (amu)

Techneticum was discovered in 1937 by Emila Segre and rarlo perrier. The discovery was actually made in italy using a sample of material sent to them by the university of california. The sample was made using the cyclotron at berkeley to bombard the element. Techneticum takes its names from the greek word teknetos. Which means "artificial."

Juliette Kun.

mercury (Hg)

Mercury (Hg)
Physical properties:
Density:13.59 g/cm3
Boiling point:365.6 'c
Freezing point:-38.85 'c
Mercury has 80 protons and 121 neutrons
Background: Mercury was discovered in about the 15th or 16th century B.C. It was found in an egyptian tomb at Kurna. The Greek philosopher Theophrastus had described a method for preparing mercury.

Uses for this element: The most commen use for this element is for making chlorine, and the second most commen use for it is,in switches in electrical applications.

by: Joseph Ard



Physical properties
Melting Point: 777'C
Boiling Point: 1382'C
Density: 2.6 g/cm3
Phase: Solid

Plans for the future is to be in the fireworks on the forth of july.

Background: (Where and when it was discovered?)

Strontium was first recognized in 1790 by Irish physician Adair Crawford. The element was not prepared in pure form until 20 years later by
a chemist Humpry Davy. It is used for production of color television tubes and in some kind of fireworks to give the color red. It is named after Strontian; a village in Scotland where it was discovered. It has 38 protons and electrons, and 50 neutrons. It has an atomic mass of 38.

By: Talia Santos.

Gold (Au)

Gold (Au)


Phyiscal properties; gold can be used for anything such as: jelwery, coins etc.

Melting point; 1337 k

Boiling point; 3081 k

Density; 19.31 g/cm3

Protons; 79 Neutrons; 118

Phase: solid at room temperature , when melted is a liquid.

Background;Gold (pronounced /ˈɡoʊld/) is a chemical element with the symbol Au (Latin: aurum) and an atomic number of 79. It has been a highly sought-after precious metal for coinage, jewelry, and other arts since the beginning of recorded history. The metal occurs as nuggets or grains in rocks, in veins and in alluvial deposits. Gold is dense, soft, shiny and the most malleable and ductile pure metal known. Pure gold has a bright yellow color and luster traditionally considered attractive, which it maintains without oxidizing in air or water. It is one of the coinage metals and formed the basis for the gold standard used before the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971.


silver (Ag)

Silver (Ag)
www.webelements .com

Silver was considered the most valuable of all metals. Ancient people would use silver to make tools. They also used it as money. They also use silver for jewelry.

Silver's atomic number is 47 so there are 47 positively charge protons there are 47 negatively. Silver is a raremetal and make up very little of earth's crust.

Luis Godoy

silver (Ag)

silver was considerod the most valuable of all metals. silvers atomic number is 47

Iodine (I)

Iodine (I)


Physical properties; Iodine is a voliet vapor when heated. Also used for medince to heal the sick and help you get stronger.

Melting poing; 113.7'c

Boiling point; 184.3'c

Phase; solide Color; slate gray

Density; 4.94 g/cm3

Background; Iodine and its compounds are primarily used in medicine, photography, and dyes. Iodine is rare in the solar system and Earth's crust. The iodides are very soluble in water, and the element is concentrated in seawater. This mechanism helps to explain how the element came to be required in trace amounts by all animals and some plants, being the heaviest element commonly used by living organisms (only tungsten, used in enzymes by a few bacteria).

Jenneh H. Sheriff

Cadmium (Cd)

Cadmium, Cd

Physical Properties
Boiling Point:1040 K,
Melting Point:594.22 K,
Density:8.65 g.cm
Atomic Mass:11.41

Cadmim is a transition metal. It comes from "Cadmia", the latin word used for ineral calamine. Cadmium is a soft and silvery metal. Cadmium is poisnous and is mostly found in ores of zinc. Cadmium is used in the manufacture of nickel-cadmium(Nicad) batteries which can be recharged repeatly. Cadmium was discovered in 1817 by Friedrich Stroneyer. Whenit grows up it wants to be used in fireworks.

Chris Forrest Jr.



Tungsten Facts

The atomic number of tungsten is 74 atomic mass is also known as the weight of the element for example tungsten my element weights 183.85 mass unit whats yours?.elements are all kinds of things solids,liquids,gas's but tungsten is a solid it looks like silver or metal as u can see the picture in top.the melting point is ofcource the point wher it melts tunsten melts at 3,140 degrees c thats the highest of any metal in the element chart.The boiling point is wher it boiles is 5,530 degrees c.

Omar Barrientos

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Tin (sn)

Tin (Sn)
Physical properties.
Phase- solid.
Density(near r.t.)- (white) 7.365 gcm-3.
Density(near r.t.)- (gray) 5.769 gcm-3.
Melting point- 505.08k, 231.93 degree C, 449.47 degree F.
Boiling point- 2875k, 2603 degree C, 4716 degree F.

Tin's Antiquity
Tin is one of the earliest metal known. Late Stone Age metal-workers discovered that putting
a small amount of tin, about 5%, in molten copper produced an alloy called bronze that was easier to work and much harder than copper. In 1931 the tin producers founded the international tin committee, followed in 1956 by the international tin council, an institution to control the tin market. After the collapse of the market in October 1985 the price for tin nearly halve.
Uses for tin.
Tin is used for coating lead or zinc and steel to prevent corrosion. Window glass is most often made via floating molten glass on top of molten tin (creating float glass) in order to make a flat surface (this is called the "Pilkington process"). Tin has long been used as a solder in the form of an alloy with lead, tin comprising 5 to 70% w/w. Tin forms a eutectic mixture with lead containing 63% tin and 37% lead. Such solders are primarily used for solders for joining pipes or electric circuits.
Martin Moreta and Marco Gutierrez

Zirconium (Zr)

Zircoium, Zr

Physical Properties

  • Boiling Pointing: 46.82 k
    Melting PointItalic: 21.28k
    Phase: Solid
  • Density: 6.52g/cm3

(Who discovered and When)

John Jacob made fairly pure Zirconium in 1824.

Zircoium is a chemical element with the symbol Zr, am atomic number 40.
It's a lustrous , gray-white strong transition metal that resembles Titanium.
Zirconum is used to as an alloying agent due to its high resistance to Corrusion.
Zirconium is one of the transition metals.Bold
An important use of zirconium is in nuclear power plants.
The future of Zircoinum its use as an advanced ceramic

Search by: Natalia Justiniano.


Seaborgium (Sg)

Physical Properties

Melting point: unknown

Boiling point: unknown

Density @ 293 K: unknown

Atomic mass: (263.o) amu

Seaborgium was discovered in 1974 by Albert Ghiorso. It was named after 191 Nobel Peace prize winnder Glenn Seaborg.Only a few seaborgium. This is done by bombarding californium with oxygen nucler. The only resaerch that has been done the element used a sample consisting of only seven atoms.

Francium (Fr)

Francium, Fr

Physical Properties
Boiling point: 950 K
Melting point: 300 K
Phase: solid @ room temperature
Density: 1.87 g/cm3

(Who Discovered this Element? When?)
Francium is the least stable of the naturally occurring elements: its most stable isotope, francium-223, has a maximum half-life of only 22 minutes. In contrast,astatine, the second-least stable naturally occurring element, has a maximum half-life of 8.5 hours. All isotopes of francium decay into either astatine, radium, or radon. Francium is also less stable than all synthetic elements up to element 105.

Uses for this element
Due to its instability and rarity, there are no commercial applications for francium. It has been used for research purposes in the fields of biology and of atomic structure. Its use as a potential diagnostic aid for various cancers has also been explored but this application has been deemed impractical.

research by CJMcDonald

silver (Ag)

silver was considerod the most valuable of all metals. Silver atomic number is 47 so there are positively charge protons there are 47 negatively. silver is a rare metal and make up very little of earth's crust.





Melting Point(265.8k,7.2c, 19f)

Bromine was discovered inependenly by two chemist. "Antoine balard" and Carl Jacob Lowig". In 1825-1826 Balard found Bromide salts in the ash of see weed. Bromine is the only liquid at room temperature.



Cadmium (cd)


Physical Properties:
Melting point-1210k
Boiling point-3103k
Atomic number-73.921 117
Germanium is a solid

The element was discovered in 1886, a german scientist, C.A Winkler discovered the element during the analysis of a sampl of a new mineral argyrodite (Ag8 Ges.) and named the new element in honor of his homeland. Germanium is used for semi conducttors.


jasmin colon

Zinc (ZN)

Color: Silvery
Phase: Solid @ 25 degree celcius
Melting point: 419.58 degree celcius
Boiling point: 907 degree celcius
Density: 7.14 g/cm3
Protons= 30
Neutrons= 35
Electrons= 30
Atomic number = 30
Atomic mass= 65.38

Background: (Where does this element come from?Who discovered?When?)
This element was known in Asia, more specifically from China and India about 500 B.C., but it was introduce in europe by Swiss physician Paracelsus.
Uses for Zinc?
Zinc is used fro galvanizing other metals. Galvanizing is the process of layer of Zinc on the surface of the second metal. Zinc doesn't rust easily as other metals from corrosin.

By: Rang Chun


Silicon (Si)

john shorts

Physical Properties

- Boiling Point : 3538 K, 3265 C, 5909 F

- Melting Point : 1687 K, 1414 C 2577 F

- Phase : solid

- Density : 2.3290 g

- protons : 14

- electrons : 14

- neutrons : 14, 15, or 16


- Silicon was the first founded by Antonie Lavoisie in 1787


- In the future its going to be used in computers as Micro Chips



Physical Properties:

Chlorine was discovered in 1774 by Swedish Karl Wilhem Scheele.


Uses for Chlorine:


By: Rang Chun


Argon (Ar)

Physical Properties:

Atomic number- 18

Atomic number - 39.948

Number of protons and electrons- 18

Number of neutrons- 22

Argon is a colorless and odorless gas pressent to a very small amount in the atmosphere. Argon is one of the noble gases, which means a gas that does not react with other elements. Today the chemical symbol for argon is Ar but intil 1957 its symbol was just an A. This element would not normally be carried out in the laboratory and argon is available commercially in cylunders at high pressure


Atomic Mass-48


Physical Properties

Melting Point: 3035 F
Titanium is a soft and weak metal. But becomes stronger when mixed with other metals. Pure Titanium has a variety of different shapes and has a silvery gray color.

Background(where does this element come from? who discovered? when?

Titanium come from the Greek word Titans. Ti has 22 positely charged protons in the nucleus, no ohter chemical element has this number of protons. The neutrons have no electrical charge. This metal could be found in rocks and soil. Titanium is the fourth most common metal on earth. Ti beenaroun since the 1950's founded by English Clergyman and Chemist William Gregor.

Uses for **Titanium**

Titanium is used for fireworks.
Titanium is ideal material for space vehicles.

~*Gabriella Medeiros*~


physical properties
boiling point: 4200 `c, `c, k
melting point: 2800 `c

density: 4.21 g/cm
phase: solid@ room temperature
Background (where does this element come from? who discovered? when?

Uses of Chromium
Choromium was discovered by French Chemist Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin in1797 and named from the greek world chroma, meaning color this was an appropriate choice because all of the compounts of chromium arecolored. One of the principal uses or chromium compunds is in the manufacture or pigments. Chromium oride (r2o3) for example is the most stable green used for cloring cements, plasters.




physical properties

Boiling point :4,653ºf(2,567ºc)
Melting point: 1,981ºf(1,083ºc)

Background (where does this element come from ? )

Copper is found throughout the universe, the metal exsits in meteorites that reach earth from space.Copper is to have formed and then been seattered by the nuclelar reaction that occur in exploding star called the Super Nova. Copper is used for decorative ortaments to hang on christmas trees also its used to make jewerly and pennies. Copper has unusal arragment of electrons compared to most other elements each copper atom has negatively charged electrons. The number of electrons and protons is always the same. So copper has 29 postively charged protons in the nucleus.



Nickel - NI

Physical Properties

A silvery white metal that has a shiny surface.
Name of Origin: From the German word "kupfernickel" (false cooper.)

Protons: 28
Neutrons: 31
Electrons: 28
Atomic Number: 28
Atomic Mass: 59
Atomic Symbol: Ni
Boiling Point: 2732 'C (4949.6 'F, 3005.15 K)
Melting Point: 1453 'C ( 2647 'F, 1726 K)
Density: 8.903 g/cm3

Background (Where does this element come from? Who discovered it? When?)

Nickel was discovered by the Swedish Chemist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt in the mineral niccolite in 1751.

Most nickel is mined from remains of an astroid that crashed into the Earth many millions of years ago.

Uses for Nickel

Nickel is used for electroplanting metal alloys, Nickel-cadmiums batteries, gas turbines, rocket engines, 5 cent coins and some stainless steel.
BY: Alicia Davis


symbol: Mn
physical properties
Boiling Point: 2,100'C
Melting Point: 1,245'C
Density: 7.47 g/cm3
Phase: solid at room temperature
background (where does this element come from? who discovered? when?)
Manganese was discovered by Johan Gottlieb Gahn, a swedish chemist, in 1774.
Manganese was found in Greece and
named after Greece's old name "Magnesia".
Uses for Manganese
Manganese is used to dry batteries to
prevent the formation of hydrogen,
to remove paint from glass
and used to dry agent in black paints.

By Lyzza Monroig